Het is onvoorstelbaar dat er nog steeds mensen zijn die de leugens van neo-nazi’s geloven. Vandaag een serie tweets die wij al enige tijd geleden kregen, maar wel een serie om eens over na te denken.
Every so often I’ll take a look at the neo-Nazi racist websites & all the ignorance spewed about Jews & every other non-white race
It really amazes me that in 2012, with gigabytes of information at our fingertips that such ignorance still exists. It’s pathetic.
The people on the sites blame Jews for their lack of money, jobs, education & healthcare. They don’t take any accountability for themselves.
It’s always easier to blame others in a “global conspiracy” theory because it absolves you from any real responsibility in the matter.
These same people believe that we control the U.S. government, as if our President really works for Israel. It’s complete insanity.
U.S. Presidents usually support Israel because they recognize the tremendous value & contributions of the Jewish nation in many areas.
Most of the anti-Israel propaganda comes from those who are disenfranchised with their positions in life. They are poor, ignorant, or both.
Jews have been successful because we don’t blame everyone else when we don’t succeed. We pick ourselves up by the bootstraps & try again.
My advice to the anti-Semite / Israel haters is to look at yourself honestly. Is the reason you’re failures because of us or because of you?
Als we kijken welke mensen vooral deelnemen aan de zogenaamde Occupy-beweging, dan zit er zeker een kern van waarheid in deze serie tweets.